Thursday, October 17, 2019

Top 6 Reasons To Start A Grasscutter Farming Business

Grasscutter or Cane rats are rodents widely found in Africa in the wide. Though they are mainly hunted in Africa, they can be domesticated like every other livestock animal. In this post, am going to discuss on the Top 6 Reason To Start A Grasscutter Farming Business. Endeavor to read this post to the very last to understand the information on this topic.

Grasscutters have some good characteristics such as rapid growth and prolific under intensive condition. possess some intrinsic characteristics. They become mature and sexually active at about 5-6 months. So that means they can start reproduction at this age and can litter about 14 young ones.

Grasscutter are of great agricultural value, easy to keep, rear and manage. This has made farmers to take part in the domestication of these livestock animals instead of hunting them from the bushes because they are mire promiscuous. The meat is good and rich in protein with many health benefits too.

Top 6 Reason To Start Grasscutter Farming Business
Grasscutter in cages - source:

Top 6 Reason To Start Grasscutter Farming Business

(1) Cheap And Easy To Start
Grasscutter farming business is one of the cheapest micro livestock farming to start. All you need is just an iron cage of about N20,000 to N50,000 and a colony which consists of one male and four females. A colony is known as one family which is about N50,000 to N70,000.

The price of a colony depends on their age and type of breed too. Grasscutter is a micro livestock animal which doesn't require much space for their keeping and rearing. There cage can be kept anywhere in your home, be it a room, kitchen or even the compound if you are the owner of the property.

Read Also: Best Guide To Start A Grasscutter Farming Business

The economy of Nigeria does not decide how you make money from your grasscutter farming, so you can start anywhere with whatever you have.

(2) Production Of Meat
Grasscutter or Cane Rat rearing is a good source to provide meat for consumption by humans. They are efficient in the converting of vegetables to meat. They grow rapidly with little feed and supplements thereby gaining a lot of body weight over a short period of time.

They are the strongest and largest rodents found in Africa. Male grasscutters can gain a body size that is time two the size of a parent cock meat. Grasscutters are ready for the market for breeding purposes at 12 weeks of age. Because of their fast maturity rate and high conversion of feed to meat, qualifies grasscutters to be raised for meat production purpose for the market.

(3) Regular Income
Raising Grasscutters is one of the best ways to generate regular income, put food on your table and many more. There are so many ways to make money from this micro livestock farming business.

You can become a breeding stock farmer which means you raise them only to stock other grasscutter farms. Within 3 to 6 months of age they become ready for selling, that is in colonies. Profits can come in many ways.

Also selling your knowledge by writing books on the farming business, training potential farmers too can generate income. By selling of your grasscutters whether alive or smoked to joints, Restaurants, individuals and Hotels. Selling of the waste as manure for crop production etc.

Read Also: Complete Guide on How To Start A Rabbit Farming Business.

(4) High Production Rate
Grasscutters have a high production rate. Although pigs are the very best in terms of high rate of multiplication, grasscutter are the next to pigs. A good specie of female grasscutter can litter 14 babies or more within a year.
The period of rearing them is between 24 to 26 weeks.

Their mortality rate is low is properly managed and handled. The rate of feed consumption like for grasses is about 80% and supplements 20% which depends on the type of breed. They have good immune system which makes them more resistant to diseases although it may occur but it is rare.

See Also: How To Start A Wealth Generating Snail Farming Business 

(5) Market Ready And Meat For All
Grasscutter meat is very delicious for those that have tasted the meat, if you haven't, you should try it and you will understand what I mean by delicious. In most restaurants, it is categorized as a hot cake.

The meat is market ready so, no matter the quantity you produce whether small or large you will always have buyers and customers because the demand is high. The meat has so many health benefits which makes nutritionists advise people to eat the meat.

It has low cholesterol and it is a white meat too. Grasscutters are generally accepted for consumption because there is no such thing as religious, ethnic or cultural taboos associated with eating the meat.

(6) Creation Of Job Opportunities
Grasscutter farming for local consumption tends to reduce unemployment by creating job opportunities for a lot of people. You can become an employer of labour as well. Instead of seeking a job, prepare CV and writing hundreds of applications, begging to be accepted.

You can settle down and start with this farming business that will make you wealthy in years to come and create job opportunities as well. Like for the welders fabricating the pens, you just already provided jobs too.

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Also processing and exportation of grasscutters can provide jobs and also reduce the rate of importation of frozen meats, chicken, turkey etc. Thus reducing inflation and improving the economy of the country Nigeria.

Conclusion And Advice
As you can see from all these reasons, that grasscutter farming business is a very good business to venture into. Don't be among those seeking for jobs and settling for less than what you can really achieve.

The farming business is not quite expensive to start. So I don't see any excuse why you are still doubting or waiting back. The longer you wait the more productive time you waste. Become a doer instead of a talkative.

I believe that with all the detailed information I discussed on the top 6 reasons to start a grasscutter farming business, I was able to convince you into starting your own grasscutter business. Remember to give us feedback with the comment box or contact us page.


1 comment:

  1. Actually this has given me another chance to become a business man again
